PNCA Make+Think+Code Hackathon

July 14 - 16, 2017

carrie carter @pdxcarrie

PNCA has a new program that is bringing artists, designers, and technologists together for interesting projects. This weekend the hackathon is to work on building environmental sensors for collecting data about birdsong and other animal noises in our region. Cool!

“Sensing the Environment: A series of collaborative projects between Make+Think+Code@PNCA, Intel, and the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council to use art and technology to better understand our ecosystems, and the habitats and behaviours of birds and other life that shares our environment.

We begin with a hackathon at Make+Think+Code@PNCA (July 14 - 16, followed by a week of prototyping and presentations on July 21) for naturalists and ecologists, artists, designers, and technologists.”


carrie carter @pdxcarrie


Andy Baio @waxpancake