83rd Annual Verboort Sausage Dinner

November 4, 2017 — 11am - 8pm

Doug Hanke @doug_hanke

All-you-care-to-eat sausage and sauerkraut dinner. Don’t forget the mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, and choice of pie for dessert! If you arrive early, you can also pick up some bulk sausage and sauerkraut for yourself, but they run out pretty quickly!

From the website:
“While some things have certainly changed from it’s humble beginnings in 1934 when just 198 lbs of sausage was served to 150 diners. We now serve about 15 tons of sausage to nearly 8,000 dinners in a single day.”



Doug Hanke @doug_hanke · 7 years ago

(It’s in Verboort, OR, though I can’t seem to get Upcoming to acknowledge the existence of the city. Or any city for this event, for that matter. Perhaps no city truly exists. In any case, Verboort is west of Portland, drive like you’re going to Cannon Beach but stop earlier than that.)

Andy Baio @waxpancake · 7 years ago

Google Maps says it’s in Forest Grove, but Foursquare didn’t have an address for the church. I added it in, should pick it up soon.

Doug Hanke @doug_hanke · 6 years ago

Awesome, thanks!


Doug Hanke @doug_hanke