CTO of @Asteris_LLC, running the STL Tech Slack (https://t.co/Hk4QFPwFr1), lead organizer of @elmconf

September 28 - 30, 2017
Strange Loop 2017 at Peabody Opera House

Chris Koerner @ckoerner

One of the geekiest, quirkiest conferences in St. Louis. Super nerdy deep discussions about some of the most interesting corners of computers science and technology. Cool people, cool city, cool event…

September 28, 2017
elm-conf at St. Louis Union Station

Brian Hicks @brianhicks

elm-conf is returning to St. Louis on September 28, 2017 for a day of learning, speaking, and connecting with the Elm language community. We will be once again colocating with Strange Loop, and the co…