Freelance Editorial Consultant @storythings / Co-founder @adaslist / Writer, @othervalleys / Advisory Board @angelacademe @photoworks_uk

April 27

The first in a series of Site Sessions, featuring:

Katharine Vega (, Dr Sean Power (Trinity College, Dublin) and Simon Ings (New Scientist).

Who has the claim to what’s true, in the…

May 27 - 28, 2017
Well Told at London College of Communication

The UK’s first conference about longform and narrative journalism.

The rise in longform journalism - and with it the growing awareness of narrative journalism - represents the most exciting and rew…

July 10 - 13, 2017
Offgrid at Osea Island

russell @russelldavies

OffGrid is a conference that brings together the interesting and interested. Sharing ideas, listening, discussing. Walks, talks and workshops all on our own island for 48 hours.