Webinar: Why Business managers across industries are transforming into Analytics Translators

November 24, 2018 — 8:30 - 9:31pm

shelley Brannen @BrannenShelley

Organizations are changing the ways they do business and so are business professionals with a very high focus on data-led decision making. They help in identification & prioritization of opportunities where advanced analytics can make a difference and help organizations incorporate data-driven insights into day-to-day business processes. Join our webinar to know more about the much required career transformation for you as a business manager. It will help you understand when & how you can leverage Data Science to solve business problems in your organization and make a business impact.
Register Now- https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5350034859693253644?source=Sandeep



shelley Brannen @BrannenShelley