340 W 50th St
New York, New York 10019

At The HD Communications Summit we will be exploring the issues associated with the widespread deployment of HD VoIP,

I believe HD voice holds the same promise for the telecom industry as format changes in the entertainment industry. With enough interest, together we can trigger a worldwide replacement cycle like the one observed currently with HDTV. This is an opportunity that can not be ignored and one that will get the attention of the entire telecom ecosystem.

The road ahead isn’t going to be easy. There is a lot of work ahead for all of us. From helping to educate the worldwide consumers about the promise of HD VoIP to the issues surrounding widespread adoption and implementation issues. But the underlying technology we need already exists and from my perspective it is just a matter of time. Eventually the telecom industry will adopt and support the widespread use of HD Voice. With the right support and attention we can be a catalyst for change and make a difference and make something inevitable, happen NOW. In the process we will have a chance to reboot Telecom.

And this reboot process will start on May 21st at the HD Communications Summit.

Official Website: http://www.hdcomms.com/

Added by Lithfin on April 6, 2009