1, zone B 28 Kensington Street
Brighton, England BN1 4AJ

A typography special tonight. Brighton's own Richard Rutter will be accompanied by Bristol's finest Jon Tan.

Update: Sorry peopleā€¦all the tickets have been snapped up for this event. If you're still interested in coming, email james [at] clearleft.com and he'll add you to the waiting list. Places will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

Facing up to Fonts
Led by Richard Rutter

Browser support for the typographical aspects of CSS is gradually increasing. Things are on the up.

Richard will be trouncing the myth of web-safe fonts, demonstrating how to go beyond bold, detailing the technicalities of font embedding and exploring the commercial and ethical minefield therein.

The introduction of font embedding in particular is a long-awaited step in the right direction. However it brings with it a host of complications; technical, ethical and aesthetic.

This session will explain all.

80% Science, 20% Art
Led by Jon Tan

Web typography is a toddler in the big bad world of competing displays, browsers and operating systems. Jon takes it by the hand, and discusses the science that comes before the art.

It'll be a celebration with lots of opportunity for questions and discourse. From exploring how fonts are rendered, to a quick refresher on typesetting and with a little history thrown in for good measure, it's time to get your glyph on!

Registration will be via Eventwax (from 11am on Wednesday 14th Jan) and as always will be absolutely free.

In the meantime, feel free to register your interest here on Upcoming and follow Skillswap on Twitter.

Added by boxman on January 7, 2009