Queen Anne Running of the Bulls

July 7, 2018 — 1 - 1:30pm

kinsley @koogunmo

I have it on the worst kind of authority that the Comstock Commisison is hosting the 9th annual Queen Anne Running of the Bulls on Saturday, July 7th at the Paragon Bar and Grill. Run starts at 1pm but get their early and get your nerve up. White Pants, White Shirt, Red Scarf, Fast Shoes. If you’re not into the possibility of being mauled, mangled and maimed for no good reason, I’d stay home. This years’ bulls are ready to rumble.

As always, I am not involved in any way shape or form with this event. The event on its specifics is just a rumor and I’m delivering said rumor. The Comstock Commission could not be reached for comment because their is no such thing.


kinsley @koogunmo