111 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, Virginia

Host: Sarah Smith, Kenneth Wolfe, Peter Redpath, Brian Lohmann, MaryAnn McGrath, Matthew Balan, Phil Onochie, and George Neumayr. For the first time since the 1960s, the Traditional Latin Mass will be celebrated in the upper church at our nation's pastoral shrine, The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on April 24th.The Mass will also be celebrated to coincide with the 5th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI's papacy. In conjunction with the Mass, we are having a fundraiser where all proceeds will go to support a special exhibition to display the history and development of the Traditional Latin Liturgy at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center for the week preceding the Mass.

RSVP to Sarah Smith by Thursday, March 18th at [email protected].

Added by insideronline on March 3, 2010