One last drink with Ellie and Dan

June 9, 2017 — 12am

Dan Phiffer @dphiffer

Hello friends, come hang out and have a drink with us in the back yard before we head up to Troy, NY. We’ll be back periodically, of course, but we are pretending like we are Actually Leaving Town.


Lou Huang @saikofish · 8 years ago

Sorry to see you leave town but I wish you and Ellie all the best in your next adventures. Come back and visit soon!

Dan Phiffer @dphiffer · 8 years ago

We should be getting started around 7pm until whenever. Give me a call if you are wondering if we’re still there!


Dan Phiffer @dphiffer
Michael Guerriero @Michael_G_
Lou Huang @saikofish