900 Auraria Parkway
Denver, Colorado 80204

Every month at the Starz FilmCenter experience the ultimate in LIVE comedic restoration. Three local comics (Matt Vogl, Harrison Raines and special guests), armed only with their wits and three gleaming microphones, take on some of Hollywood's most questionable films. A unique film experience is yours for the taking when you believe in the magic of Mile High Sci-Fi! MHSF is decidedly ADULT humor. If you decide to bring the kids, get ready to cover their ears.

In Big Trouble in Little China, Kurt Russell plays big-rig trucker Jack Burton. Jack is your average trucker (except that he wears REALLY tight pants tucked into REALLY tall boots, which surely made him a REALLY big hit at the Flying J. And let's face it: truckers don't always make the best decisions. Take, for example their decision to become truckers. So, it is not all that surprising when Jackie Tight Pants (as the boys on the CB probably called him) makes a really bad decision to get involved when his friend's fiancee gets kidnapped by a Chinese street gang. Apparently Jack never heard the phrase "not my girlfriend, not my problem." So he follows them into Chinatown and finds himself trapped in a strange Asian netherworld (as if Chinatown alone wasn't strange enough). To save the day, his friends and the girl, he must face the mighty Lo Pan - no, not the delicious dinner treat by La Choy - this is THE Lo Pan, the 2000-year-old lamp shade wearing ancient Chinese secret himself. Can a boneheaded trucker single handedly defeat an army of martial arts masters with magical powers? Well, John Carpenter directed it, so what do you think? Mark your calendars, tell your friends, and head down to MHSF's presentation of Big Trouble in Little China.

Official Website: http://www.denverfilm.org/filmcenter/detail.aspx?id=21843

Added by jdfalk on May 28, 2008