2061 North Druid Hills Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

An Urban Mediamakers Workshop - Sunday, August 26, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia

Making a Music Video for less than 5,000

MTV, VH-1 and BET revolutionized the use of music videos on cable and took the music industry by storm in the early 80's. Music videos increased album sales and gave musicians the abililty to express their vision and meaning behind a song.

In the 80's, making a professional-looking music video would cost tens of thousands of dollars. Film equipment was very expensive to rent, and hiring professionals that could operate the equipment was just as costly. Once you completed the shoot, you still had to spend several thousand more dollars to get the footage edited. At the end of theday, independent music artists just could not afford a music video.

Then came wonderful, high-quality digital video equipment and computer-based video-editing systems. Wow! The playing field was leveled. Now, music videos are within the price range of every musician. By connecting with independent filmmakers, music artists are able to produce exciting music videos and promote their band, songs, original music and compositions through the digital media arena. The options are limitless -- Internet, iPods, video mobiles, VOD, broadband, and digital TV.

Today, music videos are a 'must-have' for independent music artists. The "Making A Music Video For Less Than $5,000" Workshop will teach you the in's-and-out's of producing a professional and creative music video within your budget. Presented by the Urban Mediamakers Association, participants will be given an empowering road-map for getting your project completed.

The workshop will cover:

-- Getting Started: An Introduction To Filmmaking
-- What Is Your Vision: Performance or Creative Video?
-- Making It Happen: Budget, Raising Funds, Crew, Key People, Equipment, Editing
-- Packaging Your Finished Product
-- Reaching Your Audience

What: Making A Music Video For Less Than $5,000

When: Sunday, August 26, 2007, Noon - 5:00 p.m.

Where: DoubleTree Atlanta Hotel, 2061 North Druid Hills Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 USA

Pre-Registration: $149 per person (before midnight, August 25, 2007)

Registration At The Door: $199 per person

Limited space -- register early. Registration includes workbook, production resources, professional production contacts, and refreshments.

Information: Call 404.460.2793

Presenter: C.R. Reynolds, Producer, with guest speakers - Director and Director of Photography (DP)
"Go courageously as you pursue your dreams" is the motto of Cheryle Reynolds, an independent film producer, educator, speaker and activist. With over 10 years experience, Reynolds has worked with diverse clients to produce corporate presentations, commercials, music videos, independent films, and television programming. She is the founder of the Urban Mediamakers, a consortium of independent filmmakers.

Partial proceeds of the workshop benefit the Young Urban Mediamakers program.

Official Website: http://www.urbanmediamakers.com/mainpages/workshop.htm

Added by Dustem Offman on July 27, 2007