39/41 North John Street
Liverpool, England L2 6RR

Liverpool Chamber of Commerce in partnership with UKTI will be hosting a series of International Lunches with a specific market focus to give you an overview of the opportunities available and to address any key issues in the market. The February lunch will take place at the Hard Days Night Hotel and will focus on trading with the Asia Pacific.


11:00 - Arrival and Registration

11:15 - First presentation

11:30 - Case study - Australia
Tim Hiscock, A Algeo

11:45 - Informal Networking

12:00 - Lunch

13:00 - Export opportunities and support for businesses
Philomena Chen, UKTI

Official Website: http://www.liverpoolchamber.org.uk/eventitem.aspx/show/554

Added by Liverpool Chamber on December 4, 2012

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