7:00-8:00 pm Level 2 class
7:30-8:00 pm Beginner East Coast Lesson
8:00-9:30 pm Social Dancing
Our weekly dances are the best place for one to get introduced to the world of swing dancing. Your night starts at 7:30 with a FREE beginner lesson that gives you the basics and a few moves so that you can get out on the floor and start dancing! Throughout the lesson we change partners frequently to give everyone a chance to try the moves, so feel free to show up even if you don’t have a dance partner. We rotate through the moves we teach in this lesson every week, so even if you attended the lesson last week, feel free to come back again…you’ll have a chance to really familiarize yourself with the basics and learn some cool new moves to show off every week. If this isn’t your first rodeo, and you would like to try something a little more challenging, check out our level 2 series from 7:00 to 8:00 pm!
After the lesson we social dance from 8:00-9:30, allowing you to really show off your stuff. We rotate our DJs every week, and each of them has a large library of swing songs to play you, guaranteeing the tunes never get old. Throughout the night we sometimes have small events, such as jam circles (where dancers can choose to show off their skill), snowballs (an introductory activity that gets everyone dancing), and birthday jams (celebrations for those having a birthday this month)–make sure to stick around!