141 Greene Street - in SoHo of off West Houston St.
New York City, New York 10012

What is the meaning for our lives to be found in the literature, culture, and history of Ireland ? Find out on Saturday, March 17th at 8:00 PM, when the Aesthetic Realism Foundation proudly presents: “Humanity’s Opposites—Beginning with Ireland .”

This stirring presentation will feature part of a lecture by the noted American critic and poet Eli Siegel: "Words Are Everywhere: Comedy & Tragedy Are Two of These," in which he spoke about the first act of Sean O'Casey's play Juno and the Paycock.”

We will also hear much-beloved Irish songs sung and commented on, such as: “The Minstrel Boy,” “Wearin’ o’ the Green,” “Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye,” “Danny Boy.” And there is more, including “Good Will: The Greatest Practicality,” by Ellen Reiss, who shows how the need for good will has been urgent throughout the history of Ireland.

To make reservations, please contact the Aesthetic Realism Foundation at 212-777-4490 Suggested Contribution: $10

Official Website: http://www.aestheticrealism.org

Added by mda10016 on February 24, 2007

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