2119 E 17th Ave
Denver, Colorado 80206


A comic thriller by Charles Busch

With Chris Whyde, Julia Perrotta, Trina Magness, Jeremy Make, Cameron Stevens and Bob Wells

Directed by Nick Sugar

Produced by Robert Wells and Dave Johnson

Set designed by Tina Anderson

Costumes designed by Lamecia Landrum

Sound designed by Steve Cassidy

Lighting designed by Seth Alison

Production Stage Manager/Graphics Steven Neale

THE STORY: Die Mommy, Die! is a comic thriller, set in 1967 and in the style of Joan Crawford/Lana Turner/Bette Davis B-movies. The play concerns Angela Arden (Chris Whyde), a fallen pop diva who decides to murder her husband, failed film producer Sol Sussman with the help of her younger lover, actor Tony Parker. After Sol’s death, Angela’s manipulative daughter, Edith, convinces her “emotionally disturbed” brother, Lance, that they must avenge their father’s death by killing their mother. One vile weapon – an arsenic-laced suppository!

Charles Busch has written such plays as Psycho Beach Party, Vampire Lesbians of Sodom, Tale of the Allergist’s Wife and Red Scare on Sunset.

July 18 – August 29, 2009 - Fridays, 10:00 p.m. - Saturdays, 8:30 p.m. - Sundays, 6:00 p.m. - Tickets: $15 - Discounts: Seniors, students, groups, CTG members. Reservations: Box office 303-321-5925 or www.avenuetheater.com

Added by GS on July 3, 2009