70 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Internet Radio will be the main topic for our April meeting. George Capalbo of Backbone Networks will be the presenter. George will provide hands-on advice for people interested in tuning in, as well as some background about his company and it's role in the streaming broadcast revolution. He may even have something to say about the development of his iPhone app to tune the stations hosted by Backbone. In addittion, we'll have the usual Buy & Sell, Q&A and Picks-of-the-Month sessions.

BMac is an open group for local Macintosh enthusiasts - whether you've been a user since the days of the ][, or are only just contemplating switching - we want you here. BMac is a totally volunteer-driven organization, which means that there are no fees or dues for our meetings and services. BMac meets at this time and location on the second Wednesday of each month.

Official Website: http://bmac.org

Added by jaberg on March 25, 2009