3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California

Kelly Goto: Designing for Lifestyle


Dan Saffer: Learning Interaction Design from Las Vegas


Kelly Goto: Designing for Lifestyle
Interaction design is no longer limited to the web. The concept of user experience is being redefined as multiple delivery methods of social and business interaction merge into our lifestyles. As design migrates from the web to mobile devices we carry and interact with on a daily basis, our approach must also shift into cycles of design and research centered around the way people actually live.

In an enlightening session, Kelly Goto will discuss the evolution of web, handheld, and product interfaces and their cultural impact. Learn how companies are utilizing ethnographic-based research to conduct rapid, immersive studies of people and their lifestyles to inform the usefulness and viability of interfaces both online and offline.

Dan Saffer: Learning Interaction Design from Las Vegas

The hit of SXSW replayed!

MySpace is junk. MySpace is ugly. You hear designers say this often. Funny, architects thought the same thing about Las Vegas until the book Learning from Las Vegas revealed its hidden patterns. Las Vegas has much to teach about design--and about MySpace--for those who can see why it is as it is. Find out how you can apply the patterns of Las Vegas to your website or device.

Official Website: http://www.baychi.org/calendar/20070410/

Added by rashmisinha on March 28, 2007