2781 21st Street
San Francisco, California 94110

This week on Baghdad by the Bay on Pirate Cat Radio, tune in to 87.9 in SF or LA or listen online starting at 8pm:

Dame Satan
If Quazar had sounded anything like Dame Satan, I might be translating dispatches from Zeti Reticuli right now. Ever heard music that makes you desperately try to remember if you'd innocuously eaten a brownie earlier that could have been, ahem, herbally enhanced? Dame Satan's music had that effect.

Quinn Deveaux
Quinn Deveaux sangs and plays the guitar and the sound was cut right here on the streets of Oakland and San Francisco. Quinn writes and sings Blue Beat music. His sound is time spanning and generation spanning. Songs with silly sulking meanings and their all wet like a bucket of collard greens. And you just wanna dip your bread inside and chew chew chew. And Dance and dream of your lover whilst they rest in your arms. His debut solo album Lions On Lakes is available at shows and it's likely to blow your mind. He plays solo at the Blue Six Gallery on February 20th, and with his band February 26th at the Make Out Room, and Saturday February 28th at the Hotel Utah.

Added by rickabruzzo on February 5, 2009