Anticipating the Unknown | Virtual Futures Salon

July 16, 2017 — 6:30 - 9pm

Phil Gyford @philgyford

Virtual Futures presents a panel on the strategies for anticipating the unknown in an event that continues our mission to reassert the significance of science fiction as a tool for navigating the increasing technologisation of society and culture.

We will be joined by experts in the extra-ordinary who will impart their speculations about imaginary worlds, unexplored territories, and alien states of being.

What drives humanity’s conception of the future? Who decides the destiny of the world? Why are there no cell phones in cyberpunk fiction? These are just some, or perhaps none, of the questions that will be answered.


Pat Cadigan, Queen of Cyberpunk (@Cadigan)

Warren Ellis, Comic Book Writer, Novelist & Screenwriter (@WarrenEllis)

Laurie Penny, Writer & Journalist (@PennyRed)

More Panelists TBC

Moderated by:
Luke Robert Mason, Director of Virtual Futures (@LukeRobertMason)


Phil Gyford @philgyford