453 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013

The Milky Way is a huge group uniting vocals, synthesizers, piano, bass, turntables, guitar, and “theatrics” from The VJC, X-Man, DJ Pudgemcee, Computer Jay, X-Ro, Taurus Hamilton, DJ Cee Brown, Vocabutrois and Lil Mis. The overall effect is truly a performance. The Milky Way have performed with Dwele, Arrested Development and The Pharcyde. Turntable Tendencies called them, "Funkadelic, with a bit of west coast flavor, sprinkled with some Black Eyed Peas."

Official Website: http://lastbookstorela.com/ai1ec_event/the-milky-way/?instance_id=16908

Added by The Last Bookstore on August 3, 2012

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