6200 Windhaven Parkway
Plano, Texas 75093

You've got an idea. Maybe it's a new idea for a web application. Maybe it's a new product idea you need to push through your organization. The question is: How do you turn an idea into reality?

To answer this question, we'll look at the making of Star Wars. We'll look behind the scenes at what it took to get George Lucas's space fantasy from script to screen. From assembling the right team to navigating the Hollywood corporate studio environment to tapping into powerful universal patterns--speaker Stephen P. Anderson will present a dozen lessons UX designers (and developers!) can all learn from this adventure.

Not adventurous enough? In the spirit of the season, Stephen will be raiding his garage to give away some great Star Wars prizes!

Here's the Rundown

Come early (7:00) to mingle with like-minded designers and developers, soak in a fresh presentation (7:30), and then stick around afterwards to meet up at Café Gecko (9:00).

Free Pizza & Drinks

We'll provide the pizza and drinks if you provide the questions and conversation.

Official Website: http://refreshdallas.org

Added by Jeff Adams on November 27, 2007