484-C Moreland Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30307

Join us at A Cappella as author Richard Doster reads from and discusses his first novel, Safe at Home. The book examine the early years of the Civil Rights Movement through his story of the integration of minor league baseball in the 1950s south. Doster has written for the Atlanta Journal Constitution and is the editor of byFaith magazine, the official publication of the Presbyterian Church of America. He currently lives in Atlanta. Please visit his website for more information about the book www.richarddoster.com.
"Richard Dosters Safe at Home is a story told with expected conflicts and resolutions, yet it has an underbelly of such poignant truth that it offers the reader a compelling review of our social history that was both magnified and codified by the game of baseball and the breaking of the color barrier." -- Terry Kay

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of lessismore3.

Added by lessismore on March 4, 2008

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