222 Mason St
San Francisco, California 94102

Rob Key will be attending the OMMA social as a sponsor of the event.

OMMA Social is designed to guide marketing and media professionals through the terrain of social media. This one-day conference will address social marketing challenges and provide insights into how to make social networking work for companies now, and in the future.

Official Website: http://www.mediapost.com/events/?/showID/OMMASocial.01-26-09/OMMASocial.html)http://www.mediapost.com(Link:%20http://www.mediapost.com/events/?/showID/OMMASocial.01-26-09/OMMASocial.html)/events/?/showID/OMMASocial.01-26-09/OMMASocial.html

Added by Converseon on January 14, 2009

Interested 2