221 4th St
San Francisco, California 94103

Music lovers, internet addicts, podcasters, kids of all ages, and everyone interested in remixing the web for social change: listen up. On March 28th at 6:30pm, you?re invited to a free, all ages music and tech event at Zeum!

Buzz Andersen will give a brief demo on podcasting, and we'll also feature performances and presentations by youth media groups Uth TV and the DJ Project.

San Francisco, CA
When: Tuesday, March 28, 2006, 6:30pm
Where:Zeum, 221 4th St. & Howard
Who: The DJ Project, Uth TV & Buzz Andersen

Every month friends of NetSquared gather at Net Tuesday to mix, swap stories and ideas, build new relationships, and find new ways to bring the social web to the nonprofit world.

We?re holding this special event, which will be our first to include youth and feature live performances, to celebrate visits from some of our NGO partners from the UK, Spain, Belgium, Poland and South Africa.

Added by netsquared on March 20, 2006