453 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013

IT'S ANIMAL BUT MERCIFUL, the new anthology from great weather for MEDIA, features the work of fifty-five far-flung poets and fiction writers from across the world–Botswana, Canada, Denmark, the Philippines, and the United States. There’s plenty of “brutality, glamour, danger, and glitz” here, but there is also tenderness.

Hear readings from the anthology’s editor, Jane Ormerod, poet/journalist Adele Slaughter, Marcia Arrieta, Rich Ferguson, Joan Gelfand, Christian Georgescu, Richard Loranger, Tina Yang, and Mike “The Poet” Sonksen. Attendees will also receive information about how to submit to the next installment of IT'S ANIMAL BUT MERCIFUL.

Official Website: http://lastbookstorela.com/ai1ec_event/its-animal-but-merciful/?instance_id=17708

Added by The Last Bookstore on October 25, 2012

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