453 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013

Communications strategist and consultant Anat Shenker-Osorio has spent her career exploring the range of ways people understand complex political issues and she’s seen one thing over and again: when we’re using the wrong metaphor, we’re sending the wrong message. In DON'T BUY IT, Shenker-Osorio unpacks that destructive language we use to describe the economy and discusses how it’s been used to manipulate the public.

DON'T BUY IT is a must-read for anyone interested in changing our economic rules such as tax rates, regulations, wages and social services. In plain terms, it offers what to say and avoid--clarifying our narrative for why we’ve landed in our current predicament and illustrating how to convey what inequality is and where it comes from. By doing so, DON'T BUY IT shows us how we can radically alter how we react to and thus manage the financial structures in our lives.

Added by The Last Bookstore on August 31, 2012

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