4730 Crystal Springs Dr
los angeles, California 90027

That address gets you to the pony rides, but once you are in the park, follow signs to the Picnic Grove.

It's free and you (the public) are the judge!

There will be four categories of sammiches in this competition. Each is outlined as follows:

The Missionary Position: Standard white bread (no sourdough), orange cheese (Cheddar or American), and standard butter (or margarine).

Spoons: Any kind of bread, any kind of cheese (or cheeses), and any kind of butter.

The Kama Sutra: Any kind of bread, any kind of butter, and any kind of cheese PLUS additional ingredients(the interior ingredients must be at least 60% cheese).

The Honey Pot: Any kind of bread, any kind of butter, and any kind of cheese (the interior ingredients of the sammich must be at least 60% cheese), and with an overall flavor that is sweet and would best be served as dessert.

Official Website: http://www.grilledcheeseinvitational.com/

Added by PEOPLE WHO DONT HATE FUN on February 15, 2008