129 E. Main St
Orange, Virginia 22960

Spinning - Yarn from the spinning wheel
It always looks so peaceful. Find out why so many people choose to spin their own yarn. Learn to spin wool into yarn, and learn to ply as the Navajo did. Spinning the wheel to create yarn seems to match body rhythms and sooth stressed souls. This class will focus on the very beginnings of spinning on the spinning wheel. Students will leave the class with several skeins of yarn, of various plies and weights. Take this class early, so you can sit by the fire and spin this winter. Students may take the class several times, and will receive more in depth and varied information and instruction with each class taken. 4 week session

Official Website: http://artscenterinorange.wordpress.com/2008/08/01/fall-2008-classes-for-adults/

Added by maidensweaver on September 13, 2008

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