Meeting Room, ABC Country Restaurant, 6500 Hastings Street (at Kensington)
Burnaby, British Columbia V5B 1S2

(open to all women)

DATE: Thursday, February 28, 2013 (last Thursday)

TOPIC: “Healthy Living; Healthy Heart”

SPEAKER: Crystal Eckenswiller, Owner/Bootcamp Instructor and Personal Trainer, West Coast Personal Trainer

DESCRIPTION: Do you remember the 2002 Winter Olympics when Canada’s Women's Hockey team won a gold medal, beating the United States 3-2 in Salt Lake? Well, Crystal was the personal trainer who worked with the ladies doing dry land training for these winter Olympics. Crystal has also worked with NHL, OHL, soccer and baseball teams. In addition, she has worked in numerous local gyms for over 13 years and has run her own company for 4 years.

For the past 3 years, Crystal has been teaching Healthy Heart. This program is geared to help people get back into shape after experiencing a heart attack or stroke, or as a preventive measure. Helping people achieve their fitness goals has been my life for the past 13 yeears. In an effort to serve clients better and fuel her passion for fitness, she is continually obtaining various fitness certifications. For more information:

TIME: 5:30 - 6:00 pm REGISTER, MEET & GREET; 6:00 - 7:30 pm BUFFET DINNER; 7:30 - 8:30 pm BY SPEAKER, CLOSING THOUGHT AND ADJOURN by 9:00 pm.

BUFFET MENU: One entree, vegetables and starch, salad, rolls with butter, dessert, coffee/tea. Wine is available for $6.25/glass.

COST: $21 Members / $24 Non-members. Annual Dues $40.00 are payable at the beginning of each year. Payment will be taken at the door.

RESERVATION IS MANDATORY: RSVP Sharon at 604-434-7221 or [email protected] ONE WEEK prior to event. Payment will be taken at the door.

LOCATION: Holiday Inn Express Vancouver-Metrotown, 2nd Floor Great Room, 4405 Central Boulevard, Burnaby, BC. Free underground parking off Central Boulevard. Transit access beside Metrotown bus loop and Metrotown SkyTrain Station.

1. If you have special dietary requests, please contact Laurette at [email protected]
2. A number of members have requested "Fragrence Free" meetings. due to allergies and chemical sensitivities. Please refrain from wearing perfume and other heavily scented products to our meetings. It is appreciated.

NETWORKING: Bring your brochures, pamphlets, and business cards for our networking table.

PRIZES: Door Prizes are donated by attendees. Door Prizes are always welcome.

Added by MerrileeMiller on January 17, 2013

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