17 North Market Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405

Our 4th annual partner yoga class is a great treat commemorating Valentine's Day and honoring your Love and Friendship.

NO YOGA EXPERIENCE needed to have fun, stretch in partner poses, and set a light-hearted tone for your Valentine's Weekend. The partner yoga class is not just for couples and would also be wonderful for mother and daughter, sisters, or two good friends to enjoy together. Even people who don’t see themselves as the “touchy-feely” type may enjoy being able to get deeper into a pose with the aid of a partner or helping each other balance when one can’t balance alone.

JennyMac & Brad, Sue, and Stephanie will demo stretches as you have fun stretching together and assisting one another in simple yoga postures.

Only $20 for two

Official Website: http://www.clearspringyoga.com

Added by ClearSpring Yoga on January 11, 2009