Maywood Community School, 4567 Imperial Street
Burnaby, British Columbia V5J 1B7

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

EVENT: TOPS New Year Dinner which featured roast beef .. not Christmas turkey dinner .. with dressing/stuffing .. prepared by Gail. Others contributed some potluck foods such as green salad, carrot salad, beet salad, scalloped potatoes, pasta, mini crisp bread, fresh fruit, light cake, coffee/tea and 'Crystal Light'. Thanks to Gail and Mike for hosting the New Year's dinner event! After dinner we went around the table getting to know members as each person mentioned what they had done after school. In fact we relaxed for the last hour and didn't leave until about 9:45 pm!

Added by MerrileeMiller on January 17, 2011

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