Meeting Room, ABC Country Restaurant, 6500 Hastings Street (at Kensington)
Burnaby, British Columbia V5B 1S2

Karen McGregor educates and inspires by revealing key thought patterns of leading Canadian entrepreneurs.
SPEAKER: Karen McGregor, a professional speaker, entrepreneur and author who dedicated two years to conversations with top entrepreneurs. She is also a former teacher, award-winning sales manager and writer.
TOPIC: Thought Patterns of Leading Entrepreneurs
TOPIC DESCRIPTION: Be educated and inspired this evening as Karen reveals key thought patterns of leading Canadian entrepreneurs. Leading Canadian Entrepreneurs share their strategies and stories in Karen McGregor's new book, Sculpting the Business Body. To learn more about Karen's book and workshops, please visit
LOCATION: Meeting Room, ABC Country Restaurant, 6500 Hasings Street (at Kensington), Burnaby, BC
RESERVE RSVP: Sharon Ladret: [email protected]

Added by MerrileeMiller on October 19, 2007

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