3301 Lyon St
San Francisco, California 94123

California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) Public Programs presents "Soul Love" (Thursday, December 11th) and "A Turning Night of Stars" (Friday, December 12th):

The Rumi Concert returns to San Francisco! Two different evening performances unite the classical poetry of 13th-century mystic Jelaluddin Rumi with the innovative music, dance, and story of a remarkable ensemble: poet and Rumi translator Coleman Barks; cellist David Darling; world percussionist Glen Velez; instrumentalist Jai Uttal (Thursday); virtuoso oud musician Rahim AlHaj (Friday); and Zuleikha, whose magic of dance and story animates the genius and rapture of Rumi's poetry. These performances deliver the stunning collaboration of beloved and inventive artists as they bring the lyrical and spiritual power of Rumi to life.


Official Website: http://www.ciis.edu/publicprograms/fall08/events.html#rumi

Added by FullCalendar on December 1, 2008