9 Great Jones Street
New York City, New York 10012

Drink at Work!
It All Happens Monday, October30th!

That's right!, Drink at Work is helping "Literary Malefactor" website
YankeePotRoast with their second official public comedic
reading/comedic performance/comedic drinking show!
Join us as Drink at Work's own Carol Hartsell and YankeePotRoast's own
Geoff Wolinetz host an evening of urbane, cultivated literary hilarity.

Scehduled to read/perform:
Sean Crespo (Cracked, Drink at Work.com)
Kambri Crews (Love Daddy, Comedy Central Insider)
Eric Gillin (Esquire Editor, BlackTable.com co-founder)
Wayne Gladstone (Yankee Pot Roast, Cracked)
Carol Hartsell (Drink at Work.com)
Jack Kukoda (Kukoda.com, Yankee Pot Roast)
Francesco Marciuliano (Sally Forth, Medium Large, Drink at Work.com,
Mick Stingley (Hollywood Reporter and Metal Edge)
Todd Levin

Added by Drink At Work on October 23, 2006