142 Throckmorton Ave
Mill Valley, California 94941

Sympathetic Strings & Resonant Reeds is a multi-artist bill featuring sets by acoustic guitar icon Alex de Grassi, Mariah Parker's Indo Latin Jazz Ensemble featuring Grammy-winning reed player Paul McCandless and Ancient Future percussionist Ian Dogole, classical guitarist Jon Mendle who has performed with Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, and an acoustic guitar round-robin with Teja Gerken and Ronnie Ray Padilla. There will be some collaboration between the performers as well. Paul McCandless will be adding his resonant reeds in concert with the sympathetic strings of some of the other artists, such as Alex de Grassi, with whom he has a history of performing.

Proceeds from tonight's show will go to benefit Matthew Montfort to support recovery from lost work due to wrist tendonitis.

Official Website: http://www.142throckmortontheatre.org

Added by cmargaritafranco on February 22, 2012

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