Maywood Community School, 4567 Imperial Street
Burnaby, British Columbia V5J 1B7

"Summer Fantasy Fitness Contest" on June 27, 2007 started the July-August 2007 10-week for our TOPS BC #1390 Burnaby summer weight control and fitness challenge -- competing with other TOPS chapters in the Lower Mainland. Contest winner receives a $25 certificate (or prize). Points:

1. Lose weight = 1 point; Turtle = 0 point; Gain weight = (-1) point--that's minus 1 point
2. Attend meeting.
3. Complete (and submit) food diary sheet.
4. Contact someone in TOPS.
5. Do a meeting program.
6. Complete exercise form weekly. [TIME: 15 min = 1 point, gardening/housework 1/2 hour = 1 point) (Exercise 3 x week minimum)
7. Bring a photo of a thinner self.

Official Website:

Added by MerrileeMiller on April 5, 2008

Interested 1