13 Windsor Street
London, England N1 8QG

SPIRAL DYNAMICS IN ACTION: Dancing the Integral Vision

A one-day workshop with Don Beck

£40 (includes lunch and refreshments)

This workshop will provide an immersion into the fundamentals of Spiral Dynamics and its application in practice.

About Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics or SD is a powerful model and predictive theory of human development and cultural evolution. Under the guidance of Dr. Don Beck, it has emerged as a powerful new tool for understanding the complexity of human behaviour. SD has been successfully employed around the globe for conceiving and implementing real-world integral solutions to social conflicts and for catalyzing individual evolutionary transformation.

Among its enormous range of benefits and applications, SD can help:

Understand the complexity of global and national socio-cultural systems in order to navigate the challenges of life in the 21st. century.
Catalyse a deep recognition that understanding the processes that influence thought is itself more important than the actual products of thinking!
Increasingly those who care about the evolution of human society turn to Spiral Dynamics to understand how real, integral transformation takes place in themselves, others and large-scale social systems. Many change makers around the world are using Spiral Dynamics to solve real, complex issues - from ending apartheid in South Africa to rewriting law enforcement policy in Holland to discovering new growth strategies for multinationals.

Content of workshop

In this one-day presentation you will learn about the innovative use of MeshWorks Solutions, drawing from actual examples of the work of Dr. Beck’s colleagues in the Netherlands, led by Peter Merry. This system has been very effective in working on the UN Millennial Goals. You will learn how Spiral Dynamics was used with the Dutch authorities in dealing with threats from Islamic fundamentalism.

This workshop will also present samples from a series of second-tier (i.e. advanced systems thinking) projects in action around the globe including:

Trans-Partisan: a strategy being applied to a series of projects in the Middle East, among which are a ‘Hong Kong of the Middle East’ future vision and a ‘Build Palestine’ project (with Elza Maalouf of Lebanon). See: www.buildpalestine.org **
A project with the Mexican Teacher’s Union to bring education to all in society (with Robert Bonilla)**
The creation of Risk Analyses and Horizontal Scanning (RAHS) technology in Singapore and Iceland, used to detect the ‘vital signs’ and indications of weakness within those states’ cultural systems. (Led by John Petersen and Bjarni Jonnson.) **
**In presenting these projects, Don Beck’s emphasis will be ondemonstrating their practical applications. We are also hoping to beable to speak to some of these project leaders via Skype.

The workshop will cover the whole matter of transformation in complex societies including the raising of personal levels of consciousness and the potential forms of those changes. The Psychology at the Large-Scale framework, which represents a new branch of academic psychology, will be introduced. Dr. Beck, using Spiral Dynamics’ Global Values Monitor, will also be profiling President Obama and the impact he thinks Obama will have on the United States and the rest of the world.The day together will offer a fast paced yet highly interactive learning experience. Subsequent to this workshop Dr. Beck will be presenting a four-day programme at Schumacher College in the UK from March 16-20.

Official Website: http://www.andrewcohen.org/london/donbeck.asp

Added by davependle on February 23, 2009

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