2700 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, California 95054

Free event for developers, technologists, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in building on-demand apps -- whether already a developer or interested in learning how to become one. The Salesforce platform lets you get started creating in-demand apps quickly and for free, this free event will give you the hands-on information you need, as well as access to salesforce.com's own engineers and technical staff, to get your questions answered from the source. There's even a track on starting yor own on-demand business.

Keynote by Marc Benioff, CEO of salesforce.com, and Guy Kawasaki, venture capitalist and author of "The Art of the Start."

It's free, but space is limited, so you need to register: http://www.apexdevnet.com/events/salesforcedeveloperconf/registration.php

Official Website: http://www.salesforce.com/campaigns/developerconference/index.jsp

Added by pkopacki on May 4, 2007