1023 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90024

Rome Reborn is a technologically sophisticated project that recreates a digital 3D model of ancient Rome as it appeared in 320 A.D. First conceived by professors Bernard Frischer (University of Virginia ) and Diane Favro (UCLA), the project has been accomplished after a ten-year collaboration among scholars from around the world. The result is a virtual reproduction where viewers are immersed in the past as they move through the recreated ancient city in real time, and can enter buildings, change perspectives, and browse Emperor Constantine’s Rome.

Virtual visitors gain an extraordinary sense of what the city really looked like and how it functioned, thanks to the simulation of some 7,000 buildings, 170 temples, eight bridges on River Tevere, 19 kilometers of Aurelian walls with 400 towers, theatres, waterworks, the Foro, the Senate, and much more. On June 11, 2007, Mayor of Rome Walter Veltroni officiated at the first public viewing of Rome Reborn in Campidoglio, Rome. Christmas party to follow catered by chef Gino Angelini, La Terza Restaurant

Official Website: http://www.iiclosangeles.esteri.it/IIC_LosAngeles/webform/SchedaEvento.aspx?id=167&citta=LosAngeles

Added by department of dave on December 3, 2007

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