279 Main St
Mathews, Va, Virginia 23109

In this class, you will use cloud-like carded wool to lay out a foundation for felt. Then, using beautifully dyed, billowy drifts of color, you will build a design of their choosing for their purses. After protecting the design laid out, the whole class works together to coax the wool into felt by playing in warm soapy suds. When the felt is finished, we will make the inspired felt compositions into amazing, one-of-a-kind purses, pouches, or pocketbooks, making a statement about the wearer of each. This class is a great bonding experience as it offers an opportunity to laugh and play together, while working toward a common goal... the personal expression of each team-mate's creative disposition!

Official Website: http://bayschool-arts.com/article_470.shtml

Added by maidensweaver on June 7, 2007

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