373 Richmond Street
Providence, Rhode Island

Please join us for the inaugural Providence Werewolf meetup. No experience necessary - anyone can learn the game in a matter of minutes. Everyone's welcome, but please RSVP if you plan to attend, so that we can warn Jake's if we'll be requiring additional seating.

"Werewolf is a simple game for a large group of people (seven or more.) It requires no equipment besides some bits of paper; you can play it just sitting in a circle. I'd call it a party game, except that it's a game of accusations, lying, bluffing, second-guessing, assassination, and mob hysteria."


Official Website: http://rinexus.com/forum/topic/werewolf-k-mafia

Added by mattgillooly on April 28, 2008



How'd it go, everybody?


Sorry for the late reply, Adam. It was a great time. Hoping to get another round going next week.