49 Cheltenham Place
Brighton, England BN1 4AB

A meet-up for programmers, web developers and designers to discuss and showcase their "£5 apps" - lightweight software created by one or two people who take a simple idea and run with it.

The discussion will range from technical (what tools/languages were used during development) to business (building communities, spreading the word, costs and rewards).

We'll be holding the demoing and judging for the 5K App competition (http://fivepoundapp.com/wiki/5kapp/ ), as well as dishing out a *prize* of 5120p (£51.20) for the best entry.

The idea behind the competition is to see what you can create with 5Kb of "code and resources". The summary of the rules being:

* The entire executable app (+ resources) must be 5120 bytes in size or less
* Use whatever language you want
* Net access is allowed, but you can't download more code
* No third party libraries/frameworks (except those installed by default)
* Apps will be judged on fun and/or usefulness

Full rules are available on the wiki page (http://fivepoundapp.com/wiki/5kapp/ ) or else ask a question on the google group (http://groups.google.com/group/fivepoundapp ) if you want clarification on anything.

At the last meet (http://fivepoundapp.com/meetup/15/ ) we demoed several apps:

* 5KTwit http://www.psychicorigami.com/2008/12/22/a-5k-twitter-client/ (Twitter client in Java)
* 5KTODO http://www.psychicorigami.com/2008/12/24/a-5k-javascript-local-storage-backed-todo-list-app/ (Javascript with local storage of TODO items)
* 5KEdit http://www.psychicorigami.com/2009/01/05/a-5k-python-fullscreen-text-editor/ (Python Writeroom style text editor)
* 5KTuner http://www.psychicorigami.com/2009/01/17/a-5k-java-guitar-tuner/ (Guitar Tuner)
* 5KMorse http://www.psychicorigami.com/2009/03/01/5k-morse-code-app-using-capslock-led/ (Morse code using capslock LED)
* Brighton Job Doom http://twitter.com/BrightonJobDoom Job board summarising Twitter bot

So please get coding and start seeing what you can achieve with just 5Kb!

Official Website: http://fivepoundapp.com/meetup/16/

Added by lilspikey on March 17, 2009