Arch 7, Deansgate Locks, Whitworth Street
Manchester, England M1 5LH

This month we have a talk entitled "Pratical ORMs" by Juozas Kaziukėnas. With PHP 5 (which came quite some time ago) all the benefits of OOP can now be applied to data access patterns, however still a great portion of PHP applications speak to a database like in PHP 4 years. There is a solution for that and it's called an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) - it will save you developing time, maintaining costs and greatly improve application architecture. This talk covers what are ORMs, how they differ from "standard" way too consume databases and data storages and how to use them with PHP.

PHPNW (PHP North West) is a group focussing on the PHP web development language in the North-of-England.

Where: Revolution, Arch 7, Deansgate Lock, Whitworth Street, Manchester,
M1 5LH [1] (Normally in the lounge at the back on the entrance level)
When: 7pm Tuesday 1st June 2010
What: Pratical ORMs - Juozas Kaziukėnas

Come along, grab a drink and join in :)

We have our meetings at Revolution on the first Tuesday of each month. The venue has free WiFi and serves food 'til 9pm.


Official Website:

Added by Rick Ogden on May 24, 2010