1850 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Hosted by the Third Street Ravelers

We had so much fun knitting in the park on WWKIP day, that we thought we'd have another KIP day - when hopefully the weather would be more agreeable to working with yarn.

Bring a friend and celebrate the last Saturday of the Summer knitting in the park.

As before:

Free to attend! Bring a blanket or chair, plus your knitting, crocheting, or other crafty project. Also bring some snacks or beverages, if you'd like.

Meeting place is in the southeast corner of the park, near the corner closest to 18th and Locust.

We're working on setting up some extra special surprises for our guests, including chair massages (donation to the therapist suggested).

We're also putting together a goody basket raffle to benefit our neighbors in the park, the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society.

If you are interested in helping us sponsor this event, or in making a donation to either the raffle or directly to PAWS please contact one of the moderators in the Third Street Ravelers group on Ravelry.

Official Website: http://tsrphillyknits.blogspot.com/

Added by Nyssa on August 11, 2008