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This month we have Dave Verwer talking about how to tame JavaScript into behaving in your Rails applications with “Unobtrusive JavaScript with Rails” and Paul Robinson doing a “Mystery Ruby” session.

Unobtrusive JavaScript with Dave Verwer
With every site you visit piling on more and more JavaScript and Ajax, what happens when a user comes along using a screen reader or mobile device that would choke on even a simple alert()? How can we take advantage of the power of these technologies without providing any barriers to users, this session will cover techniques to ensure that you can still serve up rich content without excluding users, all from one code base and will cover the Unobtrusive JavaScript plug-in for Rails.

“Mystery Ruby” Session with Paul Robinson
Ruby is a language that anybody can pick up the basics of within an hour or so, and most Rails programmers will have a working application up and running before they need to even learn what iterators are available. This talk scratches below the surface, and promises to teach a few corners of Ruby and Rails you might not have seen before (and if you have seen them, we promise not to bore you to death). We'll go in-depth on some basics everybody should know - :like :what :those :funny :symbols :actually :are - and run through a cheat-sheet of tricks and hints that give a clue as to where to dig a little further.

Official Website: http://nwrug.org/events/may07/

Added by DaveVerwer on May 15, 2007