2437 Main St.
Santa Monica, California 90405

What you'll get:

You'll learn how to grow your site's traffic.

We're bringing in three panels of no-nonsense traffic wranglers to teach you how to grow your site's audience. If you use what they show you, you're guaranteed to grow your site's traffic.

Because there's so much to learn, this session is broken down into three parts:

Part 1: Master Social Media - How to use sites like Digg and StumbleUpon to get free traffic to your site.

Learn from Andy Sorcini & Elmer Thomas. They were chosen for this event because they're the top users on Digg & other social networking sites. They know how to use social media to get a single Web page over 100K users in a day. And they'll teach you.

Part 2: Improve Your Content - Learn simple techniques for producing conent that will lure people to your site.

Learn from Michael Dorausch. Investor's Business Daily said Michael knows how to make "page views soar" and that his "tactic[s] can be copied." He's a great teacher and he'll show you want he does so you can copy his techniques.

Part 3: Rank High in Search Engines - Learn techniques for getting to the top of Google and other search engines.

Learn from the BlueSEO team. If you do a search in google for Los Angeles SEO you'll see these guys at the top of the search results. They're the experts and they'll show you what you can do to rank high.

Bonus: Open Bar Mixer (Wine, Beer & Snacks)

This is where you get a chance to meet the experts and talk with them one-on-one about your site. This is also a great opportunity to get to know and exchnage ideas with other guests.

The format:

7:00 PM - meet and greet
7:30 PM - panel discussions
9:00 PM - OPEN BAR mixer (wine & beer)

Valet parking is often available at Edgemar and public metered parking is available in Lot 11 acress from Peet's Coffee.

The speaker lineup is subject to change.

Official Website: http://mixergy-traffic.eventbrite.com/

Added by mikeprasad on April 28, 2008