134 South B Street
San Mateo, California 94401

Menopause & Acupuncture
February 28th, 2007 (Wednesday)
6:30 - 8:30pm
$20 (includes acupuncture treatment)

RSVP. (650) 347-7285.
Seating is limited.

Sacred Paths Bookstore
134 South B Street, San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 347-7285

Learn about alleviating menopausal symptoms and get an acupuncture treatment too!

Many women do not realize there are other alternatives to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or surgical procedures for the various symptoms of menopause. Women today have many more options available to her for treating menopause than her mother or grandmother.

Menopause can come with psychological and physical changes that were unexpected and difficult to treat:

Hot flashes (mild to severe)
Night Sweats
Poor Concentration / Memory Loss
Vaginal Dryness & Itching
Loss of Libido

Symptoms and problems arise when there is an imbalance, however mild or severe. There are ways to re-center the imbalance to bring back the natural state of your well-being and health without invasive techniques or drugs.

Learn to see your body from a different medical model. Learn about options & alternatives in the realm of Chinese medicine.

The lecture ends with ear acupuncture treatment for every participant.

Your entire body is mapped on the ear and the whole body can be treated by accessing the ear with acupuncture needles. Do not be mistaken; ear acupuncture is very powerful. This is the perfect treat at the end of the day.

Official Website: http://www.meridiansoflight.com/events/PostpartumAcupunctureLecture.htm

Added by tweets on February 22, 2007

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