1618 Harney Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68102

Polyester Gallery launches its summer exhibition season on June 4 with the Omaha premiere of artist/photographer Edward Bateman’s Mechanical Brides of the Uncanny, a collection of original carte de vistes - an immensely popular form of photography invented by Disdéri in France in 1854 - documenting the automaton inhabitants of an imaginary Victorian-era London. Thru August 1.
In our gallery annex we present SHOCKED & AMAZED, a selection of original sideshow photographs featuring such performers as Admiral Dot, Lionel the Lion-Faced Man, Priscilla the Monkey Girl, Sealo and other notable human oddities from the 1870s to 1950s. Thru July 11.
Gallery hours are Mon to Thu 11-7, Fri & Sat 11-10, Sun 12-5.. All gallery events are free to the public. All works are for sale.

Added by Todd/Browning Gallery on May 31, 2010