The Legend Hotel
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur

Managing organizational behaviour (OB) Effectively provides a behavioural approach to the management process. It is concerned with and considers the impact made by individuals, groups and structure on behaviour within organisation. The field of OB is interdisciplinary, owing much to psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology and political science. The purpose of learning OB is to apply the knowledge gained to improve the organisational effectiveness. Whatever type of organisation you are involved in, now or in future, the people who make up that organisation are the key to its success.

The aim of this two (2) days course is to help those who have, or will have, some role in managing people to understand and manage people at work more effectively. This course looks at OB from applied psychological perspective. Among the key areas that will be covered include foundations of OB, management skills, personality, perception, attitudes, motivation, stress and leadership in the context of work organization.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

* Appreciate the importance of every individual to successful life of an organisation.
* Demonstrate improved skills in interpersonal relations.
* Approach working in groups with greater understanding and confidence.
* Have an understanding of practical ways a manager can improve employee job satisfaction and performance of their employee.

Who Should Attend

HR Managers, Executives and Officers, with an interest in understanding human behaviour at work to help them improve their organisational effectiveness. This course will also be helpful to Directors, Senior Managers, Departmental Managers and Managers from technical background to understand the “human” in management as not every manager is a human resource manager but every manager manages human resources.

Official Website:

Added by tfliam on December 30, 2008

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